Contributing to the Documentation ================================= One of the essential principles of the Superdesk Publisher project is that **documentation is as important as code**. That's why a great amount of resources are dedicated to documenting new features and to keeping the rest of the documentation up-to-date. Before Your First Contribution ------------------------------ **Before contributing**, you should consider the following: * Superdesk Publisher documentation is written using reStructuredText_ markup language. If you are not familiar with this format, read :doc:`this article ` for a quick overview of its basic features. * Superdesk Publisher documentation is hosted on GitHub_. You'll need a GitHub user account to contribute to the documentation. * Superdesk Publisher documentation is published under a :doc:`Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 License ` and all your contributions will implicitly adhere to that license. Your First Documentation Contribution ------------------------------------- In this section, you'll learn how to contribute to the Superdesk Publisher documentation for the first time. The next section will explain the shorter process you'll follow in the future for every contribution after your first one. Let's imagine that you want to improve the installation chapter of the Superdesk Publisher. In order to make your changes, follow these steps: **Step 1.** Go to the official Superdesk Publisher repository located at ``_ and `fork the repository`_ to your personal account. This is only needed the first time you contribute to Superdesk Publisher. **Step 2.** **Clone** the forked repository to your local machine (this example uses the ``projects/web-publisher/`` directory to store the Superdesk Publisher; change this value accordingly): .. code-block:: bash cd projects/ git clone git:// **Step 3.** Create a dedicated **new branch** for your changes. This greatly simplifies the work of reviewing and merging your changes. Use a short and memorable name for the new branch: .. code-block:: bash git checkout -b improve_install_chapter **Step 4.** Now make your changes in the documentation. Add, tweak, reword and even remove any content, but make sure that you comply with the :doc:`/contributing/documentation/standards`. .. note:: Documentation is stored under the ``docs`` directory in the root Superdesk Publisher folder. **Step 5.** **Push** the changes to your forked repository: .. code-block:: bash git commit book/installation.rst git push origin improve_install_chapter **Step 6.** Everything is now ready to initiate a **pull request**. Go to your forked repository at ``https//`` and click on the **Pull Requests** link located in the sidebar. Then, click on the big **New pull request** button. As GitHub cannot guess the exact changes that you want to propose, select the appropriate branches where changes should be applied. The **base fork** should be ``superdesk/web-publisher`` and the **base** branch should be the ``master``, which is the branch that you selected to base your changes on. The **head fork** should be your forked copy of ``web-publisher`` and the **compare** branch should be ``improve_install_chapter``, which is the name of the branch you created and where you made your changes. .. _pull-request-format: **Step 7.** The last step is to prepare the **description** of the pull request. To ensure that your work is reviewed quickly, please add the following table at the beginning of your pull request description: .. code-block:: text | Q | A | ------------- | --- | Doc fix? | [yes|no] | New docs? | [yes|no] (PR # on superdesk/web-publisher if applicable) | Applies to | [Superdesk Publisher version numbers this applies to] | Fixed tickets | [comma separated list of tickets fixed by the PR] In this example, this table would look as follows: .. code-block:: text | Q | A | ------------- | --- | Doc fix? | yes | New docs? | no | Applies to | all | Fixed tickets | #10575 **Step 8.** Now that you've successfully submitted your first contribution to the Superdesk Publisher documentation, **go and celebrate!** The documentation managers will carefully review your work in short time and they will let you know about any required change. In case you need to add or modify anything, there is no need to create a new pull request. Just make sure that you are on the correct branch, make your changes and push them: .. code-block:: bash cd projects/web-publisher/ git checkout improve_install_chapter # ... do your changes git push **Step 9.** After your pull request is eventually accepted and merged in the Superdesk Publisher, you will be included in the `Superdesk Publisher Contributors`_ list. Your Second Documentation Contribution -------------------------------------- The first contribution took some time because you had to fork the repository, learn how to write documentation, comply with the pull requests standards, etc. The second contribution will be much easier, except for one detail: given the furious update activity of the Superdesk Publisher documentation repository, odds are that your fork is now out of date with the official repository. Solving this problem requires you to `sync your fork`_ with the original repository. To do this, execute this command first to tell git about the original repository: .. code-block:: bash cd projects/web-publisher/ git remote add upstream Now you can **sync your fork** by executing the following command: .. code-block:: bash cd projects/web-publisher/ git fetch upstream git checkout master git merge upstream/master This command will update the ``master`` branch, which is the one you used to create the new branch for your changes. If you have used another base branch, e.g. ``testing``, replace the ``master`` with the appropriate branch name. Great! Now you can proceed by following the same steps explained in the previous section: .. code-block:: bash # create a new branch to store your changes based on the master branch cd projects/web-publisher/ git checkout master git checkout -b my_changes # ... do your changes # submit the changes to your forked repository git add xxx.rst # (optional) only if this is a new content git commit xxx.rst git push origin my_changes # go to GitHub and create the Pull Request # # Include this table in the description: # | Q | A # | ------------- | --- # | Doc fix? | [yes|no] # | New docs? | [yes|no] # | Applies to | [Superdesk Publisher version numbers this applies to] # | Fixed tickets | [comma separated list of tickets fixed by the PR] Your second contribution is now complete, so **go and celebrate again!** You can also see how your ranking improves in the list of `Superdesk Publisher Contributors`_. Your Next Documentation Contributions ------------------------------------- Now that you've made two contributions to the Superdesk Publisher documentation, you are probably comfortable with all the Git-magic involved in the process. That's why your next contributions would be much faster. Here you can find the complete steps to contribute to the Superdesk Publisher documentation, which you can use as a **checklist**: .. code-block:: bash # sync your fork with the official Superdesk Publisher repository cd projects/web-publisher/ git fetch upstream git checkout master git merge upstream/master # create a new branch from the maintained version git checkout master git checkout -b my_changes # ... do your changes # add and commit your changes git add xxx.rst # (optional) only if this is a new content git commit xxx.rst git push origin my_changes # go to GitHub and create the Pull Request # # Include this table in the description: # | Q | A # | ------------- | --- # | Doc fix? | [yes|no] # | New docs? | [yes|no] # | Applies to | [Superdesk Publisher version numbers this applies to] # | Fixed tickets | [comma separated list of tickets fixed by the PR] # (optional) make the changes requested by reviewers and commit them git commit xxx.rst git push You guessed right: after all this hard work, it's **time to celebrate again!** Review your changes ------------------- Every GitHub Pull Request when merged, is automatically deployed to Minor Changes (e.g. Typos) -------------------------- You may find just a typo and want to fix it. Due to GitHub's functional frontend, it is quite simple to create Pull Requests right in your browser while reading the docs on To do this, just click the **edit this page** button on the upper right corner. Beforehand, please switch to the right branch as mentioned before. Now you are able to edit the content and describe your changes within the GitHub frontend. When your work is done, click **Propose file change** to create a commit and, in case it is your first contribution, also your fork. A new branch is created automatically in order to provide a base for your Pull Request. Then fill out the form to create the Pull Request as described above. Frequently Asked Questions -------------------------- Why Do my Changes Take so Long to Be Reviewed and/or Merged? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please be patient. It can take up to several days before your pull request can be fully reviewed. After merging the changes, it could take again several hours before your changes appear on the website. What If I Want to Submit my Work without Fully Finishing It? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can do it. But please use one of these two prefixes to let reviewers know about the state of your work: * ``[WIP]`` (Work in Progress) is used when you are not yet finished with your pull request, but you would like it to be reviewed. The pull request won't be merged until you say it is ready. * ``[WCM]`` (Waiting Code Merge) is used when you're documenting a new feature or change that hasn't been accepted yet into the core code. The pull request will not be merged until it is merged in the core code (or closed if the change is rejected). Would You Accept a Huge Pull Request with Lots of Changes? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, make sure that the changes are somewhat related. Otherwise, please create separate pull requests. Anyway, before submitting a huge change, it's probably a good idea to open an issue in the Superdesk Web Publisher repository to ask the managers if they agree with your proposed changes. Otherwise, they could refuse your proposal after you put all that hard work into making the changes. We definitely don't want you to waste your time! .. _``: .. _reStructuredText: .. _GitHub: .. _`fork the repository`: .. _`Superdesk Publisher Contributors`: .. _`sync your fork`: