Fixtures Bundle =============== Overview -------- The Fixtures Bundle helps developers to create fixtures or fake data that can be used for development and/or testing purposes. It relies on the following 3rd party libraries: `DoctrineFixturesBundle`_ (gives possibility to load data fixtures programmatically into the Doctrine ORM or ODM) `fzaninotto/Faker`_ (generates fake data for you) `nelmio/alice`_ (gives you a few essential tools to make it very easy to generate complex data with constraints in a readable and easy to edit way) It also provides the possibility to set up a ready-to-use demo theme, for development. How to use fixtures ------------------- The following chapter describes how to make use of the Fixtures Bundle features. Creating a simple PHP fixture class ----------------------------------- Fixtures should be created inside ``SWP\FixturesBundle\DataFixtures\`` directory and by convention, should be called like: ``LoadPagesData``, ``LoadArticlesData``, ``LoadUsersData`` etc. Replace ``db_driver`` either with ``ORM`` for the Doctrine ORM or ``PHPCR`` for the Doctrine PHPCR ODM. Example Fixture class: .. code-block:: php getEnvironment(); $this->loadFixtures( '@SWPFixturesBundle/Resources/fixtures/ORM/'.$env.'/page.yml', $manager ); } } Each fixture class extends AbstractFixture class and implements FixtureInterface. This way we can use the ``load`` method, inside which we can create some objects using PHP and/or make use of `nelmio/alice`_ and `fzaninotto/Faker`_ by loading fixtures in YAML format, as shown in the example above. Creating a simple Alice fixture (YAML format) --------------------------------------------- For more details on how to create Alice fixtures, please see the `Alice documentation`_ as a reference. Example Alice fixture: .. code-block:: yaml SWP\CoreBundle\Entity\Page: page1: name: "About Us" type: 1 slug: "about-us" templateName: "static.html.twig" contentPath: "/swp/content/about-us" page2: name: "Features" type: 1 slug: "features" templateName: "features.html.twig" contentPath: "/swp/content/features" page3: name: "Get Involved" # we can also use faker library formatters like: etc type: 1 slug: "get-involved" templateName: "involved.html.twig" contentPath: "/swp/content/get-involved" The above configuration states that we want to persist into the database three objects of type ``SWP\CoreBundle\Entity\Page``. We can use the faker `formatters`_ where, for example, ```` is one of the `fzaninotto/Faker`_ formatters, which tells Alice to generate 20 paragraphs filled with fake data. By convention, Alice YAML files should be placed inside ``Resources/fixtures//``, where is the current environment name (dev, test). For instance, having the ``Resources/fixtures/ORM/test/page.yml`` Alice fixture, we will be able to persist fake data defined in the YAML file into the database (using Doctrine ORM driver), only when the ``test`` environment is set or defined differently in ``SWP\FixturesBundle\DataFixtures\ORM\LoadPagesData.php``. There is a lot of flexibility on how to define fixtures, so it’s up to the developer how to create them. Loading all fixtures -------------------- **Note:** Remember to update your database schema before loading fixtures! To do this, run in a console: .. code-block:: bash php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force Once you have your fixtures defined, we can simply load them. To do that you must execute console commands. To load Doctrine ORM fixtures: .. code-block:: bash php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --append See ``php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --help`` for more details. After executing the commands above, your database will be filled with the fake data, which can be used by themes. .. _setting-up-demo-theme: Setting up a demo theme ----------------------- To make it easier to start with the Web Publisher, we created a simple demo theme. To set this theme as an active one, you need to execute the following command in a console: .. code-block:: bash php app/console swp:theme:install 123abc src/SWP/Bundle/FixturesBundle/Resources/themes/DefaultTheme/ -f -p This command will install default theme for the default tenant which was already created by loading fixtures (see above). See ``php app/console swp:theme:install --help`` for more details. .. _formatters: .. _DoctrineFixturesBundle: .. _fzaninotto/Faker: .. _nelmio/alice: .. _Alice documentation: