Create or install a theme ------------------------- To install theme assets you need to run ``swp:theme:install`` command. .. code-block:: bash The swp:theme:install command installs your custom theme for given tenant: app/console swp:theme:install You need specify the directory (theme_dir) argument to install theme from any directory: app/console swp:theme:install /dir/to/theme Once executed, it will create directory app/themes/ where is the tenant code you typed in the first argument. To force an action, you need to add an option: --force: app/console swp:theme:install --force To activate this theme in tenant, you need to add and option --activate: app/console swp:theme:install --activate If option --processGeneratedData will be passed theme installator will generate declared in theme config elements like: routes, articles, menus, widgets, content lists and containers