Theme Settings -------------- Settings of a theme are defined in ``theme.json`` configuration file which should be present in every theme directory. An example of ``theme.json`` file with defined settings will look like: .. code-block:: json { "name": "swp/default-theme", "title": "Default Theme", "description": "Superdesk Publisher default theme", "authors": [ { "name": "Sourcefabric z.รบ.", "email": "", "homepage": "", "role": "Organization" } ], "settings": { "primary_font_family": { "label": "Primary Font Family", "value": "Roboto", "type": "string", "help": "The primary font", "options": [ {"value": "Roboto", "label": "Roboto"}, {"value": "Lato", "label": "Lato"}, {"value": "Oswald", "label": "Oswald"} ] }, "secondary_font_family": { "value": "Roboto", "type": "string", "options": [ {"value": "Roboto", "label": "Roboto"}, {"value": "Lato", "label": "Lato"}, {"value": "Oswald", "label": "Oswald"} ] }, "body_font_size": { "label": "Body Font Size", "value": 14, "type": "integer", "options": [ {"value": 14, "label": "14px"}, {"value": 16, "label": "16px"}, {"value": 18, "label": "18px"} ] } } } In the ``settings`` property of the JSON file are defined the default theme's settings. Each setting can be overridden by the API. See ``/settings/`` API endpoint for more details in the ``/api/doc`` route in your Superdesk Publisher instance. Read more about settings in :doc:`Settings ` chapter to find out more. Every setting is a JSON object which can contain the following properties: - ``label`` - Setting's label, will be visible in API when defined, - ``value`` - Setting's value, will be visible in API when defined, - ``type`` - Setting's type, either it's ``string``, ``integer``, ``boolean`` or ``array``. - ``help`` - Settins's helper text. - ``options`` - an array of optional values that can be used to implement select box. Read more about theme's structure in :doc:`Themes ` chapter. How to display current theme's settings in templates? ````````````````````````````````````````````````````` .. code-block:: twig {# app/themes///views/index.html.twig #} {{ themeSetting('primary_font_family') }} # will print "Roboto" In development environment, if the theme's setting doesn't exists an exception will be thrown with a proper message that it does not exist. In production environment no exception will be thrown, the page will render normally. How to display current theme's settings using API? `````````````````````````````````````````````````` Theme's settings can be accessed by calling an ``/theme/settings/`` API endpoint using ``GET`` method. How to update current theme's settings using API? ````````````````````````````````````````````````` To update theme's settings using API, a ``PATCH`` request must be submitted to the ``/settings/`` endpoint with the JSON payload: .. code-block:: twig { "settings": { "name": "primary_font_family", "value": "custom font" } } How to restore current theme's settings using API? `````````````````````````````````````````````````` There is a possibility to restore the current theme's settings to the default ones, defined in the ``theme.json`` file. This can be done using API and calling a ``/settings/revert/{scope}`` endpint using ``POST`` method. The ``scope`` parameter should be set to ``theme`` in order to restore settings for current theme.