Handling Articles ================= Listing Articles ---------------- Publisher have concept of Meta Loaders - one of built in loaders covers articles. The :code:`articles` loader parameters: * (optional) key :code:`route` - id or name or array of id's used for loading meta (if omitted then current route is used). .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist article from articles %} {% endgimmelist %} .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist article from articles with {'route': 1} %} {% endgimmelist %} .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist article from articles with {'route': '/news'} %} {% endgimmelist %} .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist article from articles with {'route': ['/news', '/sport/*']} %} {% endgimmelist %} .. note:: :code:`'/sport/*'` syntax will load articles from main route (:code:`'/sport'`) and all of it 1st level children (eg. :code:`'/sport/football'`). .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist article from articles with {'route': [1, 2, 3]} %} {% endgimmelist %} * (optional) key :code:`metadata` - It matches article’s metadata, and you can use all metadata fields that are defined for the article, i.e.: language, located etc. .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist article from articles with {'metadata':{'language':'en'}} %} {% endgimmelist %} * (optional) key :code:`keywords` - It matches article’s keywords, .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist article from articles with {'keywords':['keyword1', 'keyword2']} %} {% endgimmelist %} * Filtering out selected articles (useful when you want to exclude articles listed already in content list) .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist article from articles without {article:[1,2]} %} {% endgimmelist %} .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist article from articles without {article:[gimme.article]} %} {% endgimmelist %} * Ordering by article comments count (set by external system) .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist article from articles|order('commentsCount', 'desc') %} {% endgimmelist %}