Work with theme assets

To install theme assets you need to run sylius:theme:assets:install command.

Theme assets (JavaScript, CSS etc. files) should be placed inside the theme directory. There are few ways of reading theme assets in your Twig templates. The below how-to describes where to place the assets, how to install it and use it.

Load assets from the theme’s public directory (app/themes/<theme-name>/public)

  1. Put the example.css asset file inside <theme-name>/public/css/ directory.
  2. Install assets by running command: php app/console sylius:theme:assets:install.
  3. Make use of the asset file in twig templates:
<!-- loads test.css file directly /public/css/ in theme directory -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('theme/css/example.css') }}" />

Load assets from the public web directory

  1. Put the example.css asset file directly inside web directory.
  2. Make use of the asset file in twig templates:
<!-- loads asset file directly from `web` dir (`web/example.css`) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('example.css') }}" />

Load Service Worker files (from domain root level)

If You want to use service worker or manifest file (it must be placed in root level) then you can use this url:


ex. <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">

Where {fileName} can be only sw or manifest.

Load bundles’ assets

  1. Install Symfony assets by running command: php app/console assets:install.
  2. Make use of the asset file in twig templates:
<!-- loads bundle's asset file from bundles dir -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('bundles/framework/css/body.css') }}" />

Override bundles’ assets from the theme

There is a possibility to override bundle specific assets. For example, you have AcmeDemoBundle registered in your project. Let’s assume there is a body.css file placed inside this bundle (Resources/public/css/body.css). To override body.css file from your theme, you need to place your new body.css file inside app/themes/<theme-name>/AcmeDemoBundle/public directory:

  1. Put the body.css asset file inside app/themes/<theme-name>/AcmeDemoBundle/public directory.
  2. Install assets by running command: php app/console sylius:theme:assets:install.
  3. Make use of the asset file in twig templates:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('theme/acmedemo/css/body.css') }}" />


theme prefix in {{ asset('theme/css/example.css') }} indicates that the asset refers to current theme.