Handling Article Slideshows =========================== Listing a Single Article's Slideshow ------------------------------------ Usage: .. code-block:: twig {% gimme slideshow with { name: "slideshow1" } %} {{ slideshow.code }} {{ slideshow.createdAt|date('Y-m-d hh:mm') }} {{ slideshow.updatedAt|date('Y-m-d hh:mm') }} {% endgimme %} or .. code-block:: twig {% gimme slideshow with { name: "slideshow1", article: gimme.article } %} {{ slideshow.code }} {{ slideshow.createdAt|date('Y-m-d hh:mm') }} {{ slideshow.updatedAt|date('Y-m-d hh:mm') }} {% endgimme %} Parameters: .. code-block:: twig {% gimme slideshow with { name: "slideshow1", article: gimme.article } %} {{ slideshow.code }} {% endgimme %} - select slideshow by it's code/name and current article. If the ``article`` parameter is not provided, the slideshow will be loaded for the current article that is set in the context. Listing a collection of Article's Slideshows -------------------------------------------- Usage: .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist slideshow from slideshows with { article: gimme.article } %} {{ slideshow.code }} {{ slideshow.createdAt|date('Y-m-d hh:mm') }} {{ slideshow.updatedAt|date('Y-m-d hh:mm') }} {% endgimmelist %} The above twig code will render the list of articles slideshows for the current article set in context. Listing all Article's Slideshows Items -------------------------------------- Usage: .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist slideshowItem from slideshowItems with { article: gimme.article } %} {% gimme rendition with {'media': slideshowItem.articleMedia, 'name': '770x515', 'fallback': 'original' } %} {% endgimme %} {% endgimmelist %} The above twig code will render the list of articles slideshows for the current article set in context. Or if there are audio, video, image files in slideshow: .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist slideshow from slideshows with { article: gimme.article } %}

{{ slideshow.code }}

{% gimmelist slideshowItem from slideshowItems with { article: gimme.article, slideshow: slideshow } %} {% if slideshowItem.articleMedia.mimetype starts with 'image' %} {% gimme rendition with {'media': slideshowItem.articleMedia, 'name': '770x515', 'fallback': 'original' } %} {% endgimme %} {% elseif slideshowItem.articleMedia.mimetype starts with 'audio' %} {% elseif slideshowItem.articleMedia.mimetype starts with 'video' %} {% endif %} {% endgimmelist %} {% endgimmelist %} Listing all Article's Slideshows and its Items ---------------------------------------------- Usage: .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist slideshow from slideshows with { article: gimme.article } %} {{ slideshow.code }} {% gimmelist slideshowItem from slideshowItems with { article: gimme.article, slideshow: slideshow } %} {% gimme rendition with {'media': slideshowItem.articleMedia, 'name': '770x515', 'fallback': 'original' } %} {% endgimme %} {% endgimmelist %} {{ slideshow.createdAt|date('Y-m-d hh:mm') }} {{ slideshow.updatedAt|date('Y-m-d hh:mm') }} {% endgimmelist %} The ``article`` parameter in ``gimmelist`` is optional. If not provided, it will load slideshows for current article. Listing a Single Slideshow and its Items by Name ------------------------------------------------ Usage: .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist slideshow from slideshows with { article: gimme.article, name: "slideshow1" } %} {{ slideshow.code }} {% gimmelist slideshowItem from slideshowItems with { article: gimme.article, slideshow: slideshow } %} {% gimme rendition with {'media': slideshowItem.articleMedia, 'name': '770x515', 'fallback': 'original' } %} {% endgimme %} {% endgimmelist %} {{ slideshow.createdAt|date('Y-m-d hh:mm') }} {{ slideshow.updatedAt|date('Y-m-d hh:mm') }} {% endgimmelist %} The ``article`` parameter in ``gimmelist`` is optional. If not provided, it will load slideshows for current article.