Custom Twig tags ------------------------------ Gimme allows you to fetch the Meta object you need in any place of your template. It supports single Meta objects (with :code:`gimme` ) and collections of Meta objects (with :code:`gimmelist`). .. include:: /components/TemplatesSystem/features/customTags/gimme.rst .. include:: /components/TemplatesSystem/features/customTags/gimmelist.rst How to work with :code:`gimmelist` pagination? ---------------------------------------------- :code:`gimmelist` is based on Twig :code:`for` tag, like in Twig there is `loop `_ variable available. In addition to default loop properties there is also :code:`totalLength`. It's filled by loader with number of total elements in storage which are matching criteria. Thanks to this addition we can build real pagination. :code:`TemplateEngine` Bundle provides simple default pagination template file: :code:`pagination.html.twig`. .. note:: You can override that template with :code:`SWPTemplatesSystemBundle/views/pagination.html.twig` file in Your theme. Or You can use own file used for pagination rendering. Here is commented example of pagination: .. code-block:: twig {# Setup list and pagination parameters #} {% set itemsPerPage, currentPage = 1, app.request.get('page', 1) %} {% set start = (currentPage / itemsPerPage) - 1 %} {# List all articles from route '/news' and limit them to `itemsPerPage` value starting from `start` value #} {% gimmelist article from articles|start(start)|limit(itemsPerPage) with {'route': '/news'} %}
  • {{ article.title }}
  • {# Render pagination only at end of list #} {% if loop.last %} {# Use provided by default pagination template Parameters: * currentFilters (array) : associative array that contains the current route-arguments * currentPage (int) : the current page you are in * paginationPath (Meta|string) : the route name (or supported by router Meta object) to use for links * lastPage (int) : represents the total number of existing pages * showAlwaysFirstAndLast (bool) : Always show first and last link (just disabled) #} {% include '@SWPTemplatesSystem/pagination.html.twig' with { currentFilters: {}|merge(app.request.query.all()), currentPage: currentPage, paginationPath: gimme.route, lastPage: (loop.totalLength/itemsPerPage)|round(1, 'ceil'), showAlwaysFirstAndLast: true } only %} {% endif %} {% endgimmelist %} For referrence, see original *pagination.html.twig* template (if you want to customize it and use instead of default one): .. code-block:: twig {# Source: Updated by: Simon Schick Parameters: * currentFilters (array) : associative array that contains the current route-arguments * currentPage (int) : the current page you are in * paginationPath (string) : the route name to use for links * showAlwaysFirstAndLast (bool) : Always show first and last link (just disabled) * lastPage (int) : represents the total number of existing pages #} {% spaceless %} {% if lastPage > 1 %} {# the number of first and last pages to be displayed #} {% set extremePagesLimit = 3 %} {# the number of pages that are displayed around the active page #} {% set nearbyPagesLimit = 2 %} {% endif %} {% endspaceless %} How to work with Meta objects ----------------------------- On the template level, every variable in Context and fetched by :code:`gimme` and :code:`gimmelist` is a representation of Meta objects. **dump** .. code-block:: twig {{ dump(article) }} **print** .. code-block:: twig {{ article }} If the meta configuration has the :code:`to_string` property then the value of this property will be printed, otherwise it will be represented as JSON. **access property** .. code-block:: twig {{ article.title }} {{ article['title']}} **generate url** .. code-block:: twig {{ url(article) }} // absolute url {{ path(article) }} // relative path Here's an example using gimmelist: .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist article from articles %}
  • {{ article.title }}
  • {% endgimmelist %}