Setup oAuth login with ================================ Publisher from version 2.0 have support for authentication via oAuth protocol. Here is an example of configuration with Let's assume that you have publisher instance under: :code:`https://www.publisher.wip` url. First create fee account on and create new Application of type :code:`Regular Web Applications`. As technology choose PHP. Now let's configure required env variables in Publisher. Go to settings tab in your application page and look for variables defined bellow. .. note:: IMPORTANT: Add this url :code:`https://www.publisher.wip/connect/oauth/check` to :code:`Allowed Callback URLs` field. And click :code:`Save changes` at the bottom of settings page. In file :code:`.env.local` set those variables: :code:`EXTERNAL_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=` :code:`EXTERNAL_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=` :code:`EXTERNAL_OAUTH_BASE_URL=