Most popular (read) articles list ================================= Article meta have property :code:`articleStatistics` and inside it You can find :code:`pageViewsNumber`. To simplify syntax for ordering we created :code:`pageViews` alias. Here is example how to order articles by their page views number: .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist article from articles|order('pageViews', 'desc') %} {{ article.title }} {% endgimmelist %} There is also option to get most popular (ordered by page views) articles from date range. For example this is how You can list yesterday most popular articles: .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist article from articles|order('pageViews', 'desc')|dateRange('now', '-1 day') %} {{ article.title }} {% endgimmelist %} Filter :code:`dateRange` takes two parameters compatible with PHP strtotime syntax ( - start date (<= equal or in past ) - time will be reset to 23:59:59 - end date (>= equal or in feature) - time will be reset to 00:00:00 So :code:`|dateRange('now', '-1 day')` will filter all page views from whole day today and whole yesterday (from midnight) To activate article page views counting you need to call short twig function. .. code-block:: twig {{ countPageView(gimme.article) }} It will print :code:`