Handling Article Authors ======================== Listing a Single Article's Author --------------------------------- Usage: .. code-block:: twig Parameters: .. code-block:: twig {% gimme author with { id: 1 } %} {{ author.name }} {% endgimmelist %} - select author by it's id. .. code-block:: twig {% gimme author with { name: "Tom" } %} {{ author.name }} {% endgimmelist %} - select author by it's name. Listing a collection of Article's Authors ----------------------------------------- Usage: .. code-block:: twig The above twig code, will render the list of articles where author's role is ``writer`` and is not ``subeditor``. Filter authors by author's name: .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist author from authors with { name: ["Tom"] } %} {{ author.name }} {% endgimmelist %} Filter authors by author's slug (automatically created from name. Example: John Doe -> john-doe): .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist author from authors with { slug: ["john-doe"] } %} {{ author.name }} {% endgimmelist %} Filter authors by author's name and role: .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist author from authors with { role: ["Writer"], name: ["Tom"] } %} {{ author.name }} {% endgimmelist %} Filter authors by job title: .. code-block:: twig {% gimmelist author from authors with {jobtitle: {name: "quality check"}} %} {{ author.name }} {% endgimmelist %} {% gimmelist author from authors with {jobtitle: {qcode: "123"}} %} {{ author.name }} {% endgimmelist %}