2. Models

2.1. ContentList

Every content list is represented by a ContentList model which by default has the following properties:

Method Description
id Unique identifier
description List’s description
name List’s name
type List’s type (automatic or manual)
cacheLifeTime List cache life time in seconds
limit List limit
items Collection of list items
enabled Indicates whether the list is enabled
createdAt Date of creation
updatedAt Date of last update
deletedAt Indicates whether the list is deleted


This model implements SWP\Component\ContentList\Model\ContentListInterface.

2.2. ContentListItem

Every content list item is represented by a ContentListItem model which by default has the following properties:

Method Description
id Unique identifier
position List item position
content Object of type ListContentInterface
enabled Indicates whether the item is enabled
sticky Defines whether content is sticky or not
filters An array of list criteria/filters
createdAt Date of creation
updatedAt Date of last update
deletedAt Indicates whether the item is deleted


Read more about ListContentInterface.


This model implements SWP\Component\ContentList\Model\ContentListItemInterface.

3. Repository Interface

This component contains SWP\Component\ContentList\Repository\ContentListRepositoryInterface interface which can be used by your custom entity repository, in order to make it working with ContentListBundle.